(256) Spielberg depicts the SS camp commandant as slim and snappy, a real Hollywood Nazi. In reality, Goeth was a middle aged-man, balding with a pot belly. He was, in fact, a passionate marksman, but shot at birds, not prisoners.
In reality:
In reality:
(258) Women inmates on rest break in the Plaszow camp, before pushing the stone-laden carts up the hill. There are no Kapos with whips in sight. In this regard, compare the illustrations 210 and 211.
(259) This shows the inmates pushing the carts uphill. A few onlookers stand around in the background. A quite normal photograph of people of people at work.
(260) Laughing women pulling now empty carts back down the hill.
(260) Laughing women pulling now empty carts back down the hill.
(261 and 262) the arrival of new, mostly Jewish prisoners (Plaszow camp). They are receiving bedclothes and necessary possessions. Civilians and one Kapo look on. The road on photo 262 is slippery and not yet paved or asphalted.
(263) Male and female inmates working together to improve the roads in Plaszow camp.
Camp commandant Goeth was placed on trial by the Poles after the war and hanged.
Camp commandant Goeth was placed on trial by the Poles after the war and hanged.
(265) One of the barracks at Birkenau seen from the inside. In the middle is a type of central heating installation, running the entire length of the building. It is also equipped with toilets and wash basins with running water, a dining room and offices for the block leader and his subordinates.
Signs: "One Louse = Your Death", "Respect Your Superiors"
Signs: "One Louse = Your Death", "Respect Your Superiors"
There are many indications that the camp administration wished the conditions to be as satisfactory as possible under the circumstances. Note the warning signs: “One Louse Means Your Death”, “Respect Your Superior”, “Keep Calm”, etc… There were large showers with hot water, a post office, a library, a brothel as well as relaxation facilities. The reality was therefore often quite different from the claims that are made, but not always. Many camps were administered rationally and in humane manner.
Camp commandants and other officials who were guilty of misconduct were sentenced by SS courts and executed (such as Buchenwald commandant Karl Koch).
(266) The barracks shown here were entirely without anything providing and short of comfort. In actual fact, most of the Russian prisoners of war, for example; had never experienced anything of the sort, because living conditions were worse in Russia.
(267) Barracks in Dachau after the liberation. Note that, even during the chaotic last months of the war, efforts were made to maintain order and cleanliness in the camps.
(271) After the war: millions of German prisoners of war had to survive for months in the rain, cold and wind in holes under the open sky. According to the Canadian James Bacques, up to one million prisoners of war died of deprivation.
Many preferred to work and sleep in the coal mines, because they were somewhat better fed there and to a certain extent, protected from the weather. These men would have been quite happy in an Auschwitz- type barracks!
“It was deliberate US Army policy not to provide any shelter or other comfort in the prisoner cages.” Saturday Night-September 1989.
Many preferred to work and sleep in the coal mines, because they were somewhat better fed there and to a certain extent, protected from the weather. These men would have been quite happy in an Auschwitz- type barracks!
“It was deliberate US Army policy not to provide any shelter or other comfort in the prisoner cages.” Saturday Night-September 1989.
(268 – 270) There is a great deal of literature on the numerous camps German prisoners of war, as well as for the hundreds of thousands of ethnic from Eastern Europe. The controlled media, however, are only concerned with the fate of the Jews.
In his paintings and drawings, Otto von Kursel depicted his impressions of an American concentration camp on German soil.
(272) Among the revisionists, Walter N. Sanning has dealt with the demographic aspects of the alleged Holocaust in the greatest detail. He estimates the number of the Jews who disappeared in the German sphere of influence at 300,000, plus approximately 400,000 in the Soviet sphere of influence.
In his paintings and drawings, Otto von Kursel depicted his impressions of an American concentration camp on German soil.
(272) Among the revisionists, Walter N. Sanning has dealt with the demographic aspects of the alleged Holocaust in the greatest detail. He estimates the number of the Jews who disappeared in the German sphere of influence at 300,000, plus approximately 400,000 in the Soviet sphere of influence.
(273) Walter N. Sanning attributes the general disappearance of the European Jews to the following circumstances in particular, a large proportion of them emigrated, mostly to the USA, Palestine, or other countries, on the one hand. On the other hand, according to Sanning, most of the Polish Jews fled into the USSR, where they were deported further East on Stalin’s order’s, or, if they were fit to perform military service, conscripted into the Red Army. Finally, very many Jews still live in Western Europe even today (officially, more than 700,000 in France, there are large Jewish communities in Britain and Belgium).
(275) Many Jews died even before falling into German hands. After the withdrawal of the Red Army and the approach of the German Army, there was a general settling of accounts ‘with the local population’. The local population of the regions involved (Eastern Poland, the Baltic, the Ukraine), blamed the Jews for the crimes of the Bolsheviks. The Jews had, in fact, occupied a large proportion of key positions in the communist power apparatus.
This picture shows an anti-Jewish pogrom in Lemberg before the arrival of the Wehrmacht.
The victims of these pogroms were later said to have been killed by the Germans.
(276) During the Soviet conquest of the German Eastern territories, million of people fled as refugees, civilians, soldiers, prisoners of war, forced labors, camp inmates. They were all shot at indiscriminately and many died.
Original pricture: prisoners undressing to go for a swim
Fake: picture cropped to conceal bathing suit
Another fake: bathing suit blacked out
Multi-millionaire Jan Philipp Reemstra and agitator Hannes Heer together organized and the anti-German Army exhibition which travelled all over Germany in 1997, with the praise and support of the media and public authorities. The exhibition featured a mixture of complete lies and half-truths, as well as the depiction of events taken out of context or lacking all substantiation. The photographic material, most of it retouched, is of Soviet origin, taken by unknown persons, undated and without any indication as to where they were taken.
Original pricture: prisoners undressing to go for a swim
Fake: picture cropped to conceal bathing suit
Another fake: bathing suit blacked out
Multi-millionaire Jan Philipp Reemstra and agitator Hannes Heer together organized and the anti-German Army exhibition which travelled all over Germany in 1997, with the praise and support of the media and public authorities. The exhibition featured a mixture of complete lies and half-truths, as well as the depiction of events taken out of context or lacking all substantiation. The photographic material, most of it retouched, is of Soviet origin, taken by unknown persons, undated and without any indication as to where they were taken.
(The Magazine) Focus number 16/17 succeeded in showing the manner in which a photo from the book ‘Deutsches Vorfeld im Osten’, 1941, showing Jews bathing, was misused by German journalists and historians in 1988 to prove mass executions of Jews. In 1997, the Reemstra-Heer duo included this photo in their anti-German Army exhibition against better knowledge.
(The propaganda book ‘Deutsches Vorfeld im Osten’, calls this picture, Jewish work crews, allegedly going bathing.)
1988: The journalists Ernst Klee published this extract in his book ‘Schöne Zeiten’ (The Good Old Days). The caption ‘Jews being forced to undress prior to execution’ was simply invented by him.
1988: The journalists Ernst Klee published this extract in his book ‘Schöne Zeiten’ (The Good Old Days). The caption ‘Jews being forced to undress prior to execution’ was simply invented by him.
(Translation of book title: The Good Old Days: The Genocide of the Jews as Seen by the Murderers and On Lookers.)
‘Yes, I made those lines up, you can count that against me as a MINUS.’-
ERNST KLEE, journalists and author, defending his exposition against the accusation of demagoguery: the Hamburg multi-millionaire Jan Philipp Reemstra. [?]
‘Yes, I made those lines up, you can count that against me as a MINUS.’-
ERNST KLEE, journalists and author, defending his exposition against the accusation of demagoguery: the Hamburg multi-millionaire Jan Philipp Reemstra. [?]
‘This photo is one of the best-known images of the Holocaust outside the concentration camps.’
Hannes Heer, Director of the Wehrmacht exposition.
Hannes Heer, Director of the Wehrmacht exposition.
1997: The Wehrmacht exposition shows this extract with the caption: ‘Jews being executed’, as proof in the section of the exposition entitled ‘Wehrmacht and Holocaust.
(Note: in the original photograph, the man to the left of the man covering his genitals is very clearly wearing a bathing suit, as is the man with his back to the camera at the left. This has all been blacked out, apparently with a paint brush, in the extract shown in the exposition.)
(279) The US weekly magazine Life (21/05/1945, page 36), comments: ‘The bodies of almost 3,000 slave laborers being buried by US soldiers. These dead worked in underground factories in the manufacture of V1 and V2 rockets.
In actual fact, these dead were the victims of the US terror attack on Nordhausen on 4 April 1945. Although the war was almost over, German cities continued to be bombed. Thus, the city of Nordhausen was bombed and almost totally destroyed on 4 April (2 days before the evacuation of the camp to Bergen-Belsen), also destroying the Boelke barracks in which the inmates were being housed. (From the series of publications from the Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, number 21, Stuttgart page 194, Prof. Martin Broszat).
In actual fact, these dead were the victims of the US terror attack on Nordhausen on 4 April 1945. Although the war was almost over, German cities continued to be bombed. Thus, the city of Nordhausen was bombed and almost totally destroyed on 4 April (2 days before the evacuation of the camp to Bergen-Belsen), also destroying the Boelke barracks in which the inmates were being housed. (From the series of publications from the Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte, number 21, Stuttgart page 194, Prof. Martin Broszat).
(280) (281) Photos from the National Archives of the October Revolution and the National Photographic and Film Archives in Krasnogorsk. The photos are supposed to have been found on German soldiers and are said to illustrate the mass execution of Russians.
It is hardly conceivable that German soldiers could be stupid as to run around the front line carrying proof of their crimes.
‘The staff of the Supreme Commander hereby issues the following order:
‘The staff of the Supreme Commander hereby issues the following order:
- All settlements in which German troops are located are to be destroyed and burnt to a depth of 40 – 60 kilometers from the main front line and 20 – 30 kilometers to the right and the left of all roads. The destruction of the settlements to the above indicated radius is to be carried out by the air force and artillery using grenade launchers, over large surface areas, as well as by political education squads, ski troops and partisan divisions, equipped with bottles of inflammable liquids.
- For this purpose, fighter defense squads are to be formed within every regiment, to a strength of 20 to 30 men, responsible for causing explosions and setting fire to the settlements. Courageous fighters must be selected for these actions to destroy the settlements.
(National Archives, Washington, Archive Series 429, roll 461, General Staff of the Army, Division Foreign Army East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568)
(282) Same origin as in photos 280 and 281. The commentary of the Dutch weekly Vim Nederlands (29/06/1991) reads: ‘The crematoria of Majdanek camp. Zyklon B containers lie around nearby.’ In reality, these containers appear to be funereal urns for the ashes of cremated persons.
(283) This photo is typical of the difference in mentality between ‘exterminationists’ (defenders of the genocide myth) and revisionists.
Jean-Claude Pressac describes this photos as ‘a very important photograph’, (correctly) placing the scene between Krema IV and V. According to Pressac, 3 Hungarian Jews are gently forcing an elderly woman towards the entrance to Krema V, where they will all be gassed and cremated together. Pressac says: ‘As for the woman’s attitude, it could simply be that she, with no illusion about what is to happen and having seen the SS photographer, suddenly turned away, saying in effect, ‘I don’t want that bastard of an SS to photograph me’.
Robert Faurisson sarcastically answers that Pressac must be under the influence of drugs from his own pharmacy.
The photos shows 3 men and 1 woman in distress, while a few German soldiers walk uninterestedly past in the background (without truncheons or dogs). In actual fact, the photo shows nothing remarkable and proves nothing. None of them is wearing a camp uniform; it could have been photographed in a public park for all we know. Perhaps she is ill; perhaps she has just received news of the death of a loved one; or, more likely, perhaps she has just been caught stealing, picking pockets, or swindling on the black market.
Robert Faurisson sarcastically answers that Pressac must be under the influence of drugs from his own pharmacy.
The photos shows 3 men and 1 woman in distress, while a few German soldiers walk uninterestedly past in the background (without truncheons or dogs). In actual fact, the photo shows nothing remarkable and proves nothing. None of them is wearing a camp uniform; it could have been photographed in a public park for all we know. Perhaps she is ill; perhaps she has just received news of the death of a loved one; or, more likely, perhaps she has just been caught stealing, picking pockets, or swindling on the black market.
(284 – 290) From ‘Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger’ (Col. Howard A. Buechner), Thunderbird Press, Metairie, LA. USA, 1986.
During the liberation of Dachau camp, many German soldiers from the surrounding area surrendered under the protection of a medic with a Red Cross flag. The photo also shows members of the Volksturm, mountain troops, Luftwaffe personnel, Wehrmacht, SS soldiers in camouflage, soldiers in civilian clothing, etc….
Inmates inciting American troops to murder the German prisoners Lt. Walsh placed his division under the command of Lt. Bushyhead (nickname Bird’s Eye) of Native American Indian origin, to guard the prisoners.
Lt. Bushyhead placed the prisoners against the wall of the hospital and shot them with a few salvos of machine gun fire, giving inmates pistols in order to finish off the survivors. The bodies were looted. No action was taken by the Americans to prevent the inmates from taking revenge upon German personnel. The middle- aged man shown here was killed by inmates with a shovel, this is the same man seen lying dead along the wall holding a crucifix in his hand.
General Patton was informed of this massacre, but ordered the evidence destroyed and prohibited any further investigation. No one ever prosecuted for the murder of the 346 German soldiers interned at Dachau, who were entitled to protection under the Hague convention. Dachau was surrendered in full accordance with the terms of international law.
That the murder victims were members of the camp guard personnel is simply a lie, the photographs show soldiers from all German units. Even the camp personnel were not all criminals per se.
Inmates inciting American troops to murder the German prisoners Lt. Walsh placed his division under the command of Lt. Bushyhead (nickname Bird’s Eye) of Native American Indian origin, to guard the prisoners.
Lt. Bushyhead placed the prisoners against the wall of the hospital and shot them with a few salvos of machine gun fire, giving inmates pistols in order to finish off the survivors. The bodies were looted. No action was taken by the Americans to prevent the inmates from taking revenge upon German personnel. The middle- aged man shown here was killed by inmates with a shovel, this is the same man seen lying dead along the wall holding a crucifix in his hand.
General Patton was informed of this massacre, but ordered the evidence destroyed and prohibited any further investigation. No one ever prosecuted for the murder of the 346 German soldiers interned at Dachau, who were entitled to protection under the Hague convention. Dachau was surrendered in full accordance with the terms of international law.
That the murder victims were members of the camp guard personnel is simply a lie, the photographs show soldiers from all German units. Even the camp personnel were not all criminals per se.