Thursday, October 31, 2013


These so called elite (bilderboogerz,council of foreign entities,skull n boneheads,etc etc have a vewry nice plan and have been busy as bees implementing it on all of us as most of you go about your little lives .of course most dont believe this and of course what one believes is a matter of supreme indifference since usually it is bullshit anyways .so believe it or not ,vaccoines,viruses,antibuiotics,food,medicines cell phone towers television false needless waarspoisoning of water and environment in general are the pghysical assaults oh I forgot to mention ,micro wave technology and directed energy weapons as well as weathgaer weaponization siall again us. anyone who doubts this should kill themselves nowe as you are as they said in their documents "meat 9on the table and too dumb to use your brains" they say it not what we gonna do about it. well nothing sit here and watch it all happen till our number is up? of course if the in the improbable happens all humanity will wake up ,but I know another solution which is most likely, Mother earth will not permit these degenerates take over and rule her world and she will do aa massive turnover of course we will be gone as well but at least they wont have their little sick dreams happen and their undeerground holes will be their graves buried alive in them.she will do a number and rearange herself once more . so cheer up at least these shit heels will be in a place they may not like whenm it is time to meet their maker.